Saturday 12 December 2015

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of Year....

As long as you aren't depressed. (although my favourite Christmas song just came on my player and I'm waiting for all the customers to leave so I can unpause it and play it really loud).

Anyways this is going to be short and unsweet. I hate stress. I hate money. I hate Christmas.  I'm surprised Krampus hasn't come these past two years instead of Santa. Yes I do still believe in Santa. 🎄
I am sick and tired of the string of bad luck that has been following me since what happened at the tool store. It is just one thing after another. after another. I believed in Karma before. Bad karma. Good I rarely saw. Bad karma definitely happens. I am the living proof of that. But this bad karma is going to break me. I am at my wits end. I cannot take much more. I don't have anyone to talk to about what is going on. Sorry. That's a lie. There is a couple people I could talk to, except that I am scared to talk to them. I'm not the type of petson to ask for help or to share what is going on with me. Which is how I got into this whole mess in the first place.

I seriously need something good to happen in my life soon.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Lets Play Dr

You have to love mystery injuries. Two Wednesdays ago at work, I noticed a rather large lump under my thumb. It didn't hurt, so I didn't think much of it. Fast forward to the following Saturday.
Lump is still there, however I now have pain going to my pinkie and ring finger. Okay maybe I'll start thinking about it a little bit.
Wes (one of my old coworkers) comes in, and although I'm trying to hide my tensor bandage in the sleeve of my sweater, he notices and asks what I did to my wrist. I tell him that I am not sure and proceed to tell him about it. He says that it sounds like a ganglion cyst, his girlfriend has one. Okay I have a name for it now. So I look it up. Yeah that wasn't smart. Lets drain it, inject it with anti-inflammatory and then wait for surgery. Okay I'll see a doctor about it.

Fast forward to today (yes I waited another week and a half. Not my fault, tried to go Monday but they had already reached walk in capacity). So I show the doctor my wrist and tell him that I think it may be a ganglion cyst. He does some palpitations and decides to send me for an ultrasound and an xray on it to confirm that if it a ganglion or if I possibly have tendinitis. And he told me to get a wrist brace for the time being.

I wasn't able to get to the xray place today. Don't have money for a wrist brace, so I wrapped a spoon inside my tensor bandage to help immobilize my wrist. Red neck ingenuity. Currently it hurts right below the knuckle on my middle finger where it meets the hand. And it is very difficult to grip anything. Like trying to tear scratch and wins in half after they are validated,  is proving to be difficult and rather painful. This isn't fun.

The picture is of my spoon wrap. I think it has been working quite well 😃

Monday 16 November 2015

New Toy

I sometimes wish I had some friends that enjoyed cooking. That way I could gush about my new frying pan to someone I know instead of posting it on my blog.

On Sunday while making breakfast, I realized that I needed a new large frying pan. The pans I currently have were given to me by my mom when Justin and I started living together (so according to him it has been forever). Anyways, I was cooking hash browns and even though I added oil to the pan, they continuously stuck. So annoying for a non stick pan. After breakfast I announced to Justin that I needed a new pan. He told me to make a list of the best ones and we'll go looking. After researching for a couple hours (my laptop is stupidly slow) I discovered that Canadian Tire has the Heritage The Rock pan on sale for $29.99. This is huge! Not only is it sn awesome pan, but regular price is $100! That's a savings of $70. Yay!

I have used it twice so far and in love with it. I will slowly replace the other sizes of pans that I have. Just have to wait for them to be on sale again. They will be well worth the wait.

Friday 9 October 2015

New Tattoo

It is a shame that I cannot keep up with posting on here. I really would like to have a bit of a following. Instead of just having people randomly getting onto my site from google.
So I got a new tattoo yesterday.  I am super happy with it. It is the perfect hand in cribbage with my grandpa as the Jack of Hearts. It is a memorial tattoo for him. The reason for the cribbage hand is, as soon as a grandchild could count to 15, Grandpa taught them how to play cribbage.  I miss my Grandpa greatly. Although we weren't able to see him as much as I would have liked growing up (living in different provinces), he was still a great influence on my life. I see him in many of my habits. Such as starting different things, and doing as much as I can. He was successful in my eyes and I love him lots.
The tattoo artist who did my tattoo said that Grandpa looked like a very friendly, happy person. And he was. When I posted it on Facebook, my uncle commented that Grandpa was not very fond of tattoos, but he would have appreciated mine.
I miss my grandpa and I wish that I hadn't made stupid mistakes in the past that I know he would frown upon. I wish I could have missed my Color Theory final exam so I could have gone to his funeral. I greatly regret not going.

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Hard Decisions

So I had a meeting with my lawyer this morning regarding my case. Needless to say it wasn't the best of meetings.  I am now at a crossroads as to how to proceed. I essentially have three options. The first one I don't want to do. I just don't know.  Piece of mind doesn't fix my foot. Nothing will fix my foot. Going into depression because of an injury is frustrating.  I'm young and pretty much I can't continue doing things that I love to do because of the pain I'm in almost daily sucks. I miss dancing. I miss Zumba. I miss being active cardio wise. Because of this injury I have gained about 60lbs. You wouldn't really notice it looking at me, but when you get asked all the time "when you're due" you know it is there. I want to lose this weight, but I dont know how without incorporating cardio. I already eat well, but that doesn't get rid of the fat.
It is hard to stay positive when your youth has been taken away from you. If the pain wasn't so bad, I would just work through it. But with that I worry that I could make it worse. Although with my foot already being slightly deformed,  how much worse could it get?

Tuesday 5 May 2015

The Ants Go Marching 2x2

So last week I discovered we had an ant problem.  I didn't want to spend money on poisons, and I wanted a solution right then. So after doing some research on Pinterest,  I found out that if you mixed together icing sugar and baking soda, they can't tell the difference between the two and when they eat the baking soda it reacts with their digestive system and makes them explode.
So I mixed up a couple lids of it and waited a day for the ants to take the bait. Well that never happened.  The ants didn't touch it at all. So after some more research,  I discovered they didn't like vinegar. So I went out to the dollar store, bought a spray bottle, then proceeded to fill it with vinegar when I got home.

The ants didn't know what hit 'em. There was mass genocide in my kitchen.

Though I did find that if you sprinkle the ants with baking soda first and then spray them with the vinegar, it is a much more efficient way to kill them.

So hopefully you find this post informative and helpful if you were need to get rid of ants without resorting to poisons.

Ta ta for now

Monday 23 March 2015

It's Just A Truck....

So at the moment I am on Craigslist looking for a new vehicle. Well then I thought, "Hey why I don't see if the local auction place has any cars?" They didn't online, so I then went to the website where the Xterra got repo'd to. Curiosity got the better of me and I clicked on the Nissan tab to see what they had there. Very last vehicle on the list, was my Truck Truck. They had taken all my decals off the back, but I knew it was mine because in the first photo, I saw my flies on the sunshade on the driver side and the Mossberg sticker from off of the 4.10 shotgun. I am currently trying not to cry because I miss my truck. I'm repeating in my head that "it's just a truck".

But she isn't just a truck.

She was my adventure getaway vehicle. She was my mobile tent for when we went camping. She was the vehicle to drive my drunken friends. I love that truck. And I wish to hell that I was able to afford to get her back. Heck, she's going on auction this weekend. I could buy her. Although I don't think she'll go for my budget of $2000. Plus I don't have the money needed to fix her up. She has a lot of issues right now.

I just hope that whoever buys her, loves her as much as I did.

Wednesday 18 March 2015

No, I Didn't Die :-)

Oh My Gosh! It has been forever since I have posted anything. Life has been insanely crazy. Since December, life has continued on the downward spiral. I filed bankruptcy, my truck got repo’d. The truck getting repo’d really sucks. Seeing as my blog is called XterraGirl and I no longer have an Xterra. I may have to buy another one once I get discharged, as long as I can afford it of course. Although I did find out that 2015 will be the last year that they are making the Xterra, so I may have to win the lottery and buy a Jeep Rubicon instead. Then I’ll be JeepGirl. Or maybe RubiGirl. I don’t know yet. Only time will tell what is going to happen.

Anyways, there will be a post coming up. A recipe. I took some inspiration last night from a dish that I saw at Costco, but wasn’t able to afford it. Keep a look out…. (although I am going to write it as soon as I finish posting this, so you won’t have to look out for long)

Ta ta for now

Monday 5 January 2015

Happy New Year

I hope everyone had a great holiday season. The new year is here and with that comes a new outcome on life.
My holiday season was not as good as it could have been. It was another emotional December,  but I am hoping that everything is now behind me so that I can have a fresh start to 2015.

December is always a hard time for me. I'm not a Scrooge,  I am a Grinch. Easiest way to put it is that I hate Christmas.  To me it is about spending time with your loved ones, but too many people focus on the gift aspect. And about receiving gifts. For example,  I was appalled this Christmas when my oldest nephew complained about the number of presents he received at Nana's house. Child was not grateful for what he did receive.  This year I spent approximately  $50 on gifts, as everyone received something handmade. This is mostly because I gave myself the "gift" of bankruptcy for Christmas. 

Ever since leaving the tool store, I have been in financial hardship. Partially brought on from them not paying me my last pay check and vacation pay until mid November.  So with the bankruptcy, I am hoping I can get my financial life in order. With the new year, I will be looking for a new job. One that pays more than minimum wage. I will also be doing my 2nd year as a tax professional.  Which I am excited about.

That is all for now. But I will have another post coming right up also. I figured it would be easier splitting it into two posts. Part 2 to follow...