Wednesday 25 November 2015

Lets Play Dr

You have to love mystery injuries. Two Wednesdays ago at work, I noticed a rather large lump under my thumb. It didn't hurt, so I didn't think much of it. Fast forward to the following Saturday.
Lump is still there, however I now have pain going to my pinkie and ring finger. Okay maybe I'll start thinking about it a little bit.
Wes (one of my old coworkers) comes in, and although I'm trying to hide my tensor bandage in the sleeve of my sweater, he notices and asks what I did to my wrist. I tell him that I am not sure and proceed to tell him about it. He says that it sounds like a ganglion cyst, his girlfriend has one. Okay I have a name for it now. So I look it up. Yeah that wasn't smart. Lets drain it, inject it with anti-inflammatory and then wait for surgery. Okay I'll see a doctor about it.

Fast forward to today (yes I waited another week and a half. Not my fault, tried to go Monday but they had already reached walk in capacity). So I show the doctor my wrist and tell him that I think it may be a ganglion cyst. He does some palpitations and decides to send me for an ultrasound and an xray on it to confirm that if it a ganglion or if I possibly have tendinitis. And he told me to get a wrist brace for the time being.

I wasn't able to get to the xray place today. Don't have money for a wrist brace, so I wrapped a spoon inside my tensor bandage to help immobilize my wrist. Red neck ingenuity. Currently it hurts right below the knuckle on my middle finger where it meets the hand. And it is very difficult to grip anything. Like trying to tear scratch and wins in half after they are validated,  is proving to be difficult and rather painful. This isn't fun.

The picture is of my spoon wrap. I think it has been working quite well 😃

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