Wednesday 21 November 2012

Can't Contain The Excitement

I'm super excited for this Saturday. I finally get a Saturday off from work (been here for 2 years and this will be my first Saturday that I haven't had to use vacation time to take off). But that's not why I'm excited.

I decided last weekend while Justin and I were driving over mountains (literly. I will make a post about this later as I'm again posting at work) that we should head up to Sloquet Hot Springs and camp in the truck over night.

This is going to be a totally different experience for me. We would tent it, but we live in the Wet Coast so it's constantly raining. Not the best weather to be in a tent in. So we are going to pack as little as needed, and then when we get to the site fold the seats down in the Xterra and blow up the air mattress in the back. I've been reading about sleeping in the back of the X on one of the forums that I read. Everyone seems to really enjoy it. And I am super stoked to do it. Hopefully this first attempt goes well. Then I'll want to do it all the time.

And of course I will make a post about our trip to the Hot Springs. So that's two posts that I am going to be writing now. I'll probably do the mountain one tomorrow, since I have the day off. Although I do have planing and packing for the trip to do. I will try to fit it in.

Ta ta for now :-)

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