Wednesday 14 November 2012

Little Ones Are Cute When Auntie Gets Hurt

So this past week I have been sicker than a dog. It started last Monday with a sore throat, progressed to me losing my voice completely on Friday and Saturday, and then moved into my sinuses and became a head cold.

On Sunday night it's my night to cook. So I was going crazy because I was trying to watch The Walking Dead on TV downstairs, while keeping an eye on the stove for my water to boil for Sidekicks. Well a commercial had come on so I'm walking up the stairs and somehow catch my toe on the top step. I go down like a sack of potatoes, thankfully not hitting the dryer. I start saying "ow" because it really hurt and mom comes over with my niece Emma (soon to be three) to make sure I'm alright. I tell mom to put the pasta in the water because it's probably boiling and Emma asks me if I'm okay. She then goes back to see Nana at the stove and I switch my position so that I'm sitting half cross legged with one foot on the floor. Emma comes back over and bends down to kiss my knee better. I tell her that I didn't hurt my knee and I would like a hug instead. Nope. No hug for Auntie. She instead gives my knee another kiss.

She is so adorable. I love my little ones. There are six little ones in total. I'll have to post about them sometime.

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