Friday 7 February 2014

This is a rant

Okay. Take two of trying to write this post as the first one deletd itself.
This is going to be a rant post. And due to the above first sentence happening, I have foung another reason as to why I don't like posting from my phone. The first being that I can't edit posts as much as on the computer.
Anyways, so today already sucks and that is not good thing considering it is only 8:45am. Two things are pissing me off today. The first being our landlord being a freaking idiot. The second is work related.

So we will start with the landlord first.  The guy is so stupid. Since we have moved in, we have dealt with nothing but shit. It is getting extremely frustrating. He complains to us about his heating bill. Our two baseboard heaters are turned up full power and it is still freezing in our suite. I dont think he understands how cold it is in the basement. It sucks having to constantly be under a blanket. And because it has been so cold lately,  even though we wrapped the pipes to our laundry room in insulation, the pipes are still frozen. I now have to take laundry to my parents house. Its extremely frustrating.  The washer is on the verge of dying. The dryer doesn't always dry. There have been multiple times that I would of had to put the laundey in the dryer for a second time but haven't because it was too late to be running the machine as the clothes would then be really cold in the morning. 

Now onto the work rant. I cannot stand being at the tool store anymore. You get treated like crap unless you're related to the manager. Manager is addicted to methedone. Two of the other females that work here pretend to be nice to you then talk abour yoy behind your back.  I have had enough. I cannot wait until I can find a different job so I can leave this job. I could continue going but I don't have the energy to bitch right now.

Next post will be more cheerful.

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