Monday 20 January 2014

Archery Season Has Arrived

Happy New Year Blog Readers!

I again apologize for the lack of posts. I currently can't get at my computer,  so I am using my new Galaxy S4 to write a blog.  We shall see how well this works.

We are still in the basement suite that I mentioned in the previous post. Have not yet been able to get the second bedroom organized so I can get my computer jn there. There has been a lot going on.  But I will save thst for another post. I actually have a post started on my computer but I needed to add the photos to it before I wanted to post it.

Anyways, todays post is about the first archery shoot of the year. This past weekend was the annual indoor archery shoot hosted by Abbotsford Fish And Game. I have posted about this shoot before.  I couldn't do Saturday's shoot due to work but I was able to do Sunday's.  It was a full days event. We got there at 8am snd stayed all through the awards. We were able to do 4 rounds on Sunday.  I would post our score carfs but I don't know how to add photos through the Blogger app.

Below is a photo that I took this year from the shoot. It was taken after we did our first round. The shortest shoot was about 14 meters.  The longest was about 45 meters. 

My last round was my best round. I didn't do well enough to get a ribbon though.  Oh well there is always next month at the next (new) indoor shoot that Semiahmoo is putting on.  Cannot wait for that one.

Anyways Bloggies, I am leaving you with that for now
I will try my hardest to get that other blog up. For now I get to go do dishes.
Keep it real!

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