Tuesday 21 August 2018

A Beginning, A Plan Of Action

Hello beautiful people of the internet!

September is upon us which means that school will be starting again for all the little kidlets that have been around all summer. This also means, that I too will be going back to school. Albeight it will be part time and online. I am pretty sure that I have mentioned in a previous post that I am doing an online course for the next two years to get my Legal Administrative Assistant Certificate. The plan after that will be to get my education to become a Paralegal. I still haven't decided if I want (or can with the way I'm doing my schooling) to end up getting my Bachelor of Law Studies - Paralegal. Which in my mind would be pretty skookum. Seeing as no one in my family, well except for my brother who went into trades, has any formal education after high school.

Along with the beginning of school, I also have a plan. See, although it is hard to tell in my photos, with my height, waist measurement and weight, I happen to fall into the obese category. So, one of my friends on Facebook has decided to start a 21 day challenge. This 21 day challenge is a no junk challenge. See rules below:

For the most part, it should be fairly easy I think, seeing as I currently don't drink pop or eat candy. The biggest challenges I see are the donuts, muffins, fast food and chips. Those will be my biggest obstacles. This challenge will be starting on Sept 1 and I will try to do an entry every day for the challenge to help keep me accountable. Also with the Facebook group, that should keep me accountable also.

And to push myself even further, during this challenge, I also want to throw in a 30 day *insert exercise here* challenge. The ones that I'm talking about are the ones that get increasingly harder every day. I have a bunch of them saved on my Pinterest page under Kill The Muffin (Top). So I will decide shortly which one I want to conquer.

Hopefully, you will continue to follow me on this journey. Seeing as my path seems to be splitting and converging in multiple places currently. Only time will tell as to where it all end up.

Until next time lovelies!

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