Tuesday 2 January 2018

New Beginnings

Greetings and Salutations this fine 2018 day!

Well, the time has come for me to retire this blog. I haven't posted in here nearly as much as I was hoping that I would have throughout the time that I did have it. Plus I no longer have an Xterra, so the name is no longer relevant.
I am however going to be starting up a new blog. I am going to attempt (haha) to post in it everyday. We'll see how long that actually lasts. I will include a link at the bottom of this post once I think up a new name for my blog.

See ya'll on the other side!!


So it turns out that I can just change the name of my blog willy-nilly, so I do not need to create a  new one. I can just redesign and change up the one that I currently have. That is so much easier than thinking of a new name, and domain and theme. Yay for short cuts!!

Anywho... I will get to the redesigning later. For now I will finish up this post and start up a new one on what will hopefully happen with this blog.

Ta ta!

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