Monday 1 May 2017

Making plans

Hello blogging world!

Oh look I'm back to my twice a year postings again. Definitely a step backwards.

There really hasn't been a lot going on lately. From the date of my last post there has been fishing and hunting. I can see that in the future there are going to be some changes. I'm not sure as to when these changes will come about, but I know they are coming.
Yes, I do realize that that was extremely vague. But for now being vague will have to do. I'm pretty sure that no one I know actually reads my blog, but if for some unknown reason someone I do know does read it, I'd rather be vague and have them wondering than throw my suspicions around the internet for all to read. If my suspicions end up being true, then I'll write a post about it. If not, then no one will be ever the wiser...

That seems good for now. I was going to write more but I think I'll save it for later.

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