Wednesday 10 February 2016

What Is Your Vice?

So tonight I started binge reading one of my friends blogs. http://
I have "known" her for quite a few years as we were both on the same forum together. When the forum folded, we all traversed over to Facebook and made our own secret group together there.

While reading one of her posts, it made me think of my own little food vices and eating habits. Needless to say, working at the gas station is not the best for getting better eating habits. (As I look at food for the shift, which includes: half a small bag of Doritos, a can of Guave Rockstar, 2 pizza pops, a bottle of Nestea Green Tea, a bottle of water and a crapton of pumpkin seeds. I also have a pretzel and peanut butter chocolate bar sitting with my stash, but I haven't had any of it.)

The thing that I hate having in the pile the most is the Rockstar. This has to be one of my biggest vices at work. Yes I know energy drinks are extremely bad for you. Heck, I'm not even drinking it for the energy aspect (my brain wires are backwards and energy drinks put me to sleep and sleeping pills wake me up. I have actually found out it is hereditary on my dad's side). It just tastes good. But only the guava flavor. I used to drink the fruit punch Mountain Dew Kick Start but the flavor has changed.
One of my resolutions this year was to kick the energy drinks and all pop. The pop I have been able to do quite easily. I can't do pop anymore, since quitting. Proof there...I had decided last week that I wanted a small can of Sprite as I was wanting a drink but water just wasn't appealing. I ended up dumping about half of it down the drain as it was just too sweet and I didn't like the taste. Anyways, I have gotten down to 2 Rockstars a week. Yeah I'm still drinking them but it isn't nearly as bad as what I used to be drinking. To be honest I'm almost a little scared to cut these last 2 because the caffeine migraine that I got when I first started was brutal. It lasted a week and I was not a happy camper. 

I will eventually cut the 2 out of my diet. It may take a little time but it will happen. Hopefully sooner rather than later. This reason being that I want to start doing the 21 Day Fix. I am going to do it alone or I'm going to somehow talk Justin into doing it with me. He may be on board as I know he wouldn't mind losing his "pillow".

That is all for tonight as I have to start counting. Gotta actually work at work lol

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