Monday 21 January 2013

I Can Kill A Dinosaur, But I Can't Kill A Moose

So this past weekend, was the first archery shoot of the year. It is BC's Largest Indoor 3D Shoot. Actually it is BC's only indoor shoot.

Justin and I have been going to the shoot for the past three years, but this is the first year that I participated in shooting also. It is the one time a year that we see different archer's from around BC, plus some from Washington. For example, our friend Dan is from The Nock Point down in Mountlake Terrace, WA. The only time we see Dan is at this shoot. We tried to get into a round with him but our timing just never worked out right. Oh well. There is always next year.

There is 15 targets in total. They range from 15 - 40 yards for the older people. They also have shorter range of smaller animals for children 12 and under. The furthest target of those is about 5 yards away.

This is a panoramic of a past shoot. I had my camera with me, but I never took any pictures. This is basically what the set up looks like. Each year they change what order the animals are in, except for the stupid moose. The moose seems to always be on shot 13 and it is the longest shot on the course at 40 yards. For some reason I could not shoot the moose at all. I have a 40 yard pin on my sight, but because my bow has a lower poundage, it doesn't have enough "umph" behind it to make it that far. I figured after our last round, that in order for me to hit the moose and not the wooden backstop, I would of had to have my pin all the way on the top of the wooden backstop to actually hit the moose itself.

At the end of the day they always have prizes and awards.

There is always little prizes like sights and rests. They also have prizes of a couple targets. And then the large prizes of bows. This year they had a long bow and a PSE Evo as the prize bows. We didn't win any prizes this year. It would of been cool to get the Evo though.
My favorite target is the T-Rex. He is about a 35 yard shot. And he was always a good shot for me. I don't know why, but I can kill the T-Rex quite well. This is what Mr. T-Rex looks like.  Except this year he was facing the right instead of the left. He also had a few wooden palm trees infront of him.

I think I did fairly well for my first time doing a shoot. We did three rounds in total. My scores for those three rounds were: 108, 73 and 74. That is out of a possible 150. Justin's scores were much more consistant at 132, 132, and 133. Needless to say, he is much better at it than I am.
This year we are going to try to go to as many of the shoots as we can. The rest of the shoots are outside, so that will definately be weather permitting. It will also depend on the terrain of the shoots, as with the hurt foot I can't exactly be galavanting through mountains and hills. There are two camp out shoots also. So those should be fun also.

Lastly, as I didn't take the photos, I just want to give credit to the person that did. I was able to find the pictures online here.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Happy Belated New Year To You

I have been terrible in writing my blog lately. Needless to say it has been rather busy lately, what with Christmas, New Years, being sick and family. I may continue to be on a bit of a hiatus due to some of the family stuff, but I will try my hardest to get on here when I can. I did already post a new blog this morning, although it is missing pictures as I am currently blogging at work. This post was originally written on my blackberry on January 8, 2013. I had written it upstairs at work before my shift started that day. Although I am going to have to read through it as I go, as some of the details are now wrong (such as the part that I have another blog to put up, but I already did that before I got to this one).

Lets start out with the family stuff. One of my brothers isn't happy with me currently as he thinks that I am stuck in life and wants to see me move forward. I should also, maybe, mention that he is also one of Justin's friends. He said that he isn't happy with some of the choices that I have made in my life, which I'm pretty sure means that he isn't happy with the fact that I am still dating and madly in love with Justin. My decisions. We love each other and make each other happy and that is really all that matters.

Anyways, in a talk that I had with my brother, he also mentioned that he wanted to see us get a new place and move out of my parents basement. Hopefully this happens a lot sooner than later. We had found a basement suite that we loved in the next town over. But after going through expenses closer, moving out there would not have been feesable. Yes the place was excellent (2 bedrooms, huge backyard, in suite laundry, really close to my best friends house) but money has to come first. It would of been a longer drive to get to work, plus with our work schedules I get off work 1.5 hours after Justin does so he'd drive home, sit for about 40 minutes and then have to drive back out to pick me up from work. So we are currently biting the bullet with our housing selection and looking for an apartment along with basement suites. We didn't originally want an apartment, but they are much cheaper than getting a basement suite. I have been checking out PadMapper for looking up places as they compile a bunch of sites together. I currently have a favorites list of about 10-15 different apartments that I want to check out. I am going to make a spreadsheet and compile all the information about the apartments (such as laundry info, do they allow pets, parking, cost, etc). and then go searching from there. I'm going to be a bit picky when it comes to choosing an apartment. Such as I want it to have a double sink in the kitchen (easier to wash dishes if  no dish washer) and I want to have a bath tub (I miss having bathes).

This year I have made it the year of changes. There is the first change of new place to live. Second is finding myself a new job. I am currently looking into accounting programs at different collages in town. I haven't done much research yet, but hopefully I can find something that I can online that way I don't have to quit yet. Wouldn't be able to afford a new place if I have to quit my job to go to school full time. There is also a few other changes I want to make. Such as updating my wardrobe, doing more with my scrapbooking and card making, getting back into archery more, and trying to be more active in general (while still keeping my foot in mind). I'm also wanting to start designing and saving for my next tattoo.

Well I think that is all for now. I shall get some more truck stories up soon, as my camera is getting quite full of pictures from us going up trails. Although we haven't been going as much lately because of the amount of snow up the mountains. Heck there is even a time where I drove up the mountain in the snow. Man that was an adventure. There aren't any pictures of me driving as Justin didn't take any. But there are some new pictures after we switched driving, as I had driven as far as I could comfortably. Yeah that will be a fun post to write about.

Tata for now readers. :-)

These Boots Were Made For Walking And That's Just What I'll Do

So this post is extremely old at the moment. I originally wrote out the jist of it on my blackberry on Dec 9, 2012. One month later I'm actually getting around to putting it onto my blog. It won't be the whole post as I have to add photos still (I'm blogging at work again because my boss isn't here and I don't really have anything else to do), but it will give you something to read for now until I can get the photos up. Plus I will be doing another post today as well (minus photos) that I started writing on my blackberry the other day. So there will be two partial posts today. And now onto my story....

December 9, 2012
I got new tires for Truck on Friday. They are Goodyear Wrangler Duratracs. We went with 75's which are an inch taller than the ones that I had on her originally. These ones are really knobby and have a nice deep tread pattern. They are all season tires but have a mud and winter rating, which is something that I really wanted when we were getting a new set of tires.

So on Sunday, Justin and I decided to go on our weekly drive. This week we decided to up the Chipmunk Creek Forest Service Road (FSR). We started out on the Slease FSR. While driving on Slease there was a little bit of snow, nothing that made us really put the tires to work. When we turned onto Chipmunk, it was a totally different story. There was a lot more snow on that FSR. But as we are the adventurous type and we wanted to test out Trucks new boots onward we went.
***Yes I call Trucks' tires boots. They are not shoes, as those are the brakes. These are boots.***
We were following a single set of tracks the majority of the way up. At the end of those tracks was a smaller pickup with chains and they were playing with a snow machine. After their truck there was nothing but fresh powder just waiting to be driven in. Now this is what I'm talking about. Fresh powder. New boots. Lets go!

We didn't end up going as far as we had hoped. The snow was rather deep and we were literally plowing our way through it all. So we got maybe half a km past where the guys were playing with the snow machine before we decided to turn around. Where we turned around, we were in about a foot and a half of snow and at an elevation of 2771ft. I opened my door to see how deep it really was and my door made a "door angel" mark in the snow.

Needless to say, we will have to try this trail out again some other time once a couple more people have driven on it before us.