Wednesday 3 January 2018

New Year, New Recipes

Hello everyone out there in internet land!!

So with the new year and changing up the blog and that jazz, I am also going to start trying out some new recipes. Tonight was day 1 of new things.

Todays recipe is brought to you by:

The main reason as to why I chose this recipe was because while buying ingrediants for dinner last night, I discovered that Superstore has a scoocum deal on whole pork loins. So being the one that loves to have pulled pork, plus I just bought this
 from Bass Pro Shop and cannot wait to try it out.

This was technically a two day recipe as I have to wake up at 4am to go to work. I did the majority of the prep work the night before. There were some minor changes that I made to the recipe, that actually worked out well in my 'flavour'. (Ha! See what I did there?)
My night before prep included the following: I premade the sauce that the pork would be made in. For this recipe I used my whiskey of choice, Jack Daniels, 
for the bourbon that they called for. Along with the sauce, I also rubbed my pork roast and then used my vacuum sealer to seal in the flavour over night.

Bright and early in the morning (okay not really bright seeing as it was 4am and it's winter so the sun rarely comes out), I put my roast in the slow cooker, stirred up my sauce again and dumped it on top. You could definatly smell the whiskey in the mixture. Then I set my slow cooker on low and let it do its thing. 
When I got home, the house was filled with the wonderous smell of whiskey (my drink of choice). It was at this point that the recipe confused me. 
Whenever I normally make pulled pork (venison, etc), I always dump out the liquid that the meat was cooked in. Well with this recipe, from the sounds of it, the author wants you to add the meat back to the liquid. So after texting my best friend, Tara, and discussing pulled pork and how we normally make it, I came to the conclusion that I would reserve some of the liquid and then dumping the rest out. 
So after dumping out the liquid, I shred my pork, put it back in the pot and added the reserved liquid plus my bbq sauce and the bacon. I then let it heat up for a bit longer. Made up some coleslaw, sliced my buns and wham-bam thank you ma'am dinner is served. 

Needless to say it was different from my usual pulled pork recipe. Even Justin figured that out, as he immediately started asking what I did differently (he likes how I usually make my pulled pork). I never did get a response as to whether or not he liked it. He didn't say he didn't like it, so that's a plus. 

So I say give this one a try. You won't be disappointed. 

Tuesday 2 January 2018

New Beginnings

Greetings and Salutations this fine 2018 day!

Well, the time has come for me to retire this blog. I haven't posted in here nearly as much as I was hoping that I would have throughout the time that I did have it. Plus I no longer have an Xterra, so the name is no longer relevant.
I am however going to be starting up a new blog. I am going to attempt (haha) to post in it everyday. We'll see how long that actually lasts. I will include a link at the bottom of this post once I think up a new name for my blog.

See ya'll on the other side!!


So it turns out that I can just change the name of my blog willy-nilly, so I do not need to create a  new one. I can just redesign and change up the one that I currently have. That is so much easier than thinking of a new name, and domain and theme. Yay for short cuts!!

Anywho... I will get to the redesigning later. For now I will finish up this post and start up a new one on what will hopefully happen with this blog.

Ta ta!