Monday 24 November 2014

It Is Happening Again…

Oh the joys of being renters.
So earlier this past week, I got home from a shift at work and I notice a sign in the front yard. I ask Justin about it, and low-and-behold it is a For Sale sign. Yay our landlords are putting their house for sale. At least they are going to try to sell the house with us in it. Except that we are going to try and find a new place before that. I have a list of suites to look at, now I just have to call them and set up appointments. If we’re lucky, we can be moving next weekend.
Although the part that really sucks is that we just started organizing our spare room. We have been here a year and only last week did I set up my desk in the spare room. So much for that. Hopefully our next place is bigger. Then we could actually have people over.
Anyways, just wanted to put a little update. I have to get back to cooking dinner before going to class. Ta Ta For Now

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