Thursday 25 September 2014

First Grouse of 2014

September 19-21

Grouse hunting

☆Boston Bar☆
-anisle fsr.  no grouse. They have been logging up the fsr so any habitats are now ruined.

☆ Kamloops ☆
- Jamieson fsr. Saw 6 grouse total. Shot 3 total. Lisa 1 Justin 2.
- O'Connor fsr. Saw nothing.  Farm land. Google Earth area to see if goes back into sub alpine.
***Google Earth to see what else is down Westsyde.***

☆100 Mile House☆
-Keene Rd. Saw 2 grouse total. Shot 1. Justin 1. Justin blew its head off.  Lots of roads all interconnected. 

- ski hill loop. Saw covey of 5 birds. Shot 2 by Justin. Lesson for Lisa: ALWAYS take a gun when you have to go to the bathroom.

☆Tunkwa Lake Rd☆
- saw no grouse.

Overall, it was an okay weekend.  Lots of driving. Too much heat for the birds still. High 20s in late September = not good grouse hunting

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