Saturday 28 May 2016

Foxtrot India November Alpha Lima Lima Yankee

If you didn't understand the title, it says "Finally" using the phonetic alphabet.

For some strange reason I have been trying to memorize the phonetic alphabet for about 4 years. I have never been able to though. I would get A-F then O, N, S, T, W. The other letters were a mystery to me.

Then comes this past Wednesday night shift. I decided to try it again. I was able to recite my usual letters, but still got hung up on the others. So I googled, wrote the entire alphabet out on a piece of paper, read it a couple times and then folded it up and put it in my wallet. Whenever a car pulled up and I could see their license plate, I would sound off on the letters. I did that for about an hour,  still missing the occasional letter but after a while, it finally stuck.

I can now say that I can efficiently recite the phonetic alphabet, with only minor hang ups.  Usually G. Not sure why.

Tango Alpha Tango Alpha {space} foxtrot October romeo {space} November October whiskey