Friday 19 July 2013

Archery And Fishies

So this past weekend there was an archery shoot out at Semihamoo. It was just a fun 3D shoot. I had not realized that it was happening until I had gotten home from work on Saturday and Justin mentioned that Josh was going to take his nephew, Adam, to the shoot on Sunday and wanted to know if we wanted to go too. He also wanted to go fishing on Sunday so we figured that we would go early in the morning to do one round of the course (usually takes about hour and a half to two hours to complete depending if it ends up bottle-necking or not) and then go up to Stave Lake to try and find this creek that has some monster trout in it.
We had planned on being there about 8:30am, so that we could have breakfast there (the ladies always make the best food) and then get some shots in at the backstops as we haven’t shot in just over a month. Josh and Adam were going to meet us not long after 9:30 as that was when Josh was picking Adam up from his house. So we end up getting there at about 9. Have some breakfast and end up talking to Dick, whom we always shoot with at the range that we belong to. After a bit of conversation, we headed out to the backstops to warm up. My 20 and 30 yard pins are set up nicely. My 40 and 50 yard pins leave something to the imagination. We really need to get back into our rhythm of going to the range so that I can set those pins up properly. And start heading to the Thursday night shoots so that I can start figuring out my yardage again. Needless to say my shooting that day was not my greatest. I haven’t even tallied up the score cards yet. There was too many zeros for my liking.
One of the best shots of the day, Justin ended up making. We were at a wolf target and everyone had already taken there shots, and Josh told Justin to shoot the wolf in the eye. This was the resulting shot:
He got the wolf almost dead center in the forehead.
I was bored while we were waiting for the teams ahead of us to go, so I started having some fun with my phones camera and shadows. I like the second picture the best. It is currently the wallpaper on my phone, plus is my profile picture on Facebook.
Arrows.  PSE Stinger 2013 - Shadow Archer
After the shoot, we headed up to Canadian Tire so I could buy Justin a new fishing rod (I broke his a few weeks back when I fell trying to get out of a lake. I was more concerned for the rod than the fact that I almost smashed my head on a log). I got him a pretty blue one with flames on it (which I will be using until I get my own rod). We then headed up to Stave Lake to find this creek. We never did find the creek. So since we couldn't go fishing, we decided to buy some fish instead.

The pond in the backyard is in need of a good cleaning. pond
This is our pond. There are about 10 koi's currently in the pond. They don’t do a good job at keeping it clean. So we decided that it could use some plecostomus. So we bought two pleco’s.


plecos (2) plecos (1)                  This is them still in the bag before we added some of  the pond water to the bag to help balance out the pH levels.

adding pleco to pond

Justin had the honours of pouring the pleco’s into the pond.

pleco in water
  One of them instantly swam towards the rocks deeper down, whereas the other one stayed up near the top. Here is his picture. He is really hard to see, but there is a pleco in the picture. He is the darker smudge that is in a kind of ‘u’ shape in the middle of the photo.

We haven’t seen the pleco’s since we put them in the pond. However the rocks are getting cleaner, so they are currently still alive. It is still rather warm out here so they can stay in the pond for the time being. Once it becomes colder though, the lady at PetSmart told us that they should come inside the house so that they don’t die over winter. The only problem I see with that is that we can’t currently find them. Hopefully when it comes time to bring them out, they are a bit bigger so that we can actually see them to catch them.

Good news readers! I have bought a camera charger. It is currently waiting at my PO box in the states. So I will be getting that on Monday and I will be able to get actual good photos of the following weekend as Justin and I are going camping for 5 days with his parents. Should be fun times!!
Ta ta for now!!

Sunday 7 July 2013

Let’s Make Some Money

So I am in need of some money. As you may know, if I have mentioned it before, I turn pens. So, if my internet allows to actually get onto the internet (as currently it is being a b*tch and I am writing this in Windows Live Writer so that I can post it later) I am going to be putting 4 of the pens that I have made up for sale on Etsy. It would be a few more pens, but at the moment I am unable to find 5 of them. One of the five missing pens I know I gave away to someone who does not deserve to have it (which is quite unfortunate). But as for the other four, they are MIA at the moment. Probably in a box still somewhere. Or possibly still at my parents house in one of the many boxes that we have yet to bring over here.

Anyways…. I thought that since I seem to have gone up in the number of readers that I have, I would also post the photos of the four pens that I have for sale currently on here along with a link to each pen on my Etsy account. This way, if any of you are interested in purchasing one you can. All of the pens that I am posting today are twist style pens. I do have a few click pens, but they aren’t currently ready to be sold.

All purchases include a plastic pen case to hold the pen, it also protects it during shipping. Shipping will be $8 to the USA or Canada. For international shipping, please contact me through my Etsy page. I only accept PayPal.

I will also later on be adding some of the blanks that I currently have set up to be turned but haven’t gotten around to them. This way a person can special order a pen in whichever design they would like. Customizations would cost approximately the same as none customized. They would just take a little bit longer to get sent out, as I would have to actually create the pen. So instead of 1-2 business days for it to be shipped out, it would probably be about 4-5 days to be shipped out. I would of course contact the purchaser once the item has been shipped.

So these are the pens that I have for sale currently (click on photo to go to Etsy site):

Bubinga Comfort - $25 This is comfort pen made out of Bubinga wood. It has gold hardware. It is for sale for $25. SOLD
***If you would like a pen similar to this, please send me a comment on here or on my Etsy page and I will make one for you.


Mulberry Bush. Silver Hardware $20This is a standard twist pen. It is made out of branch of a Mulberry bush that my friend gave to me. It has silver hardware. There is a single bump accent with a gradual taper towards the middle on the top half of the pen. Even though the pen is finished with lacquer, it still has a natural wood feel to it. $20 SOLD
***If you would like a pen similar to this, please send me a comment on here or on my Etsy page and I will make one for you.

Purple w Red Streak Acrylic. Gun Metal Hardware. - $25 This is a standard twist pen. It is made out of purple with red streaks acrylic. The picture does not do it justice for the iridescent-ness of the pen. It features a quadruple bump top half and is finished with gun metal hardware. This is one of my personal favourites $25

White Oak Shortened Parker Style Pen - $30 This is a shortened Parker Style pen. It is made out of white oak. There is a decorative crack in the wood that meets in the center of the pen. This is a heavier pen than the previous pens. The hardware is black and gold. $30