Thursday 21 March 2013

It's Official!

I completely apologize for the recent hiatus. There has been a lot going on lately. I ended up giving a proposal to Justin. No, not that kind of proposal. I wish though.

The proposal that I gave him, was that we are to be out of my parents basement by the end of the month. With being out of the basement, we then get our membership to the Ridgedale Rod and Gun Club, our passports and our month rec center passes. Well, we are officially moving on March 29. We found the perfect basement suite for us. The place is huge, it has a bar, our own laundry and a fireplace. I will have to post pictures once I get my computer set up and all the moving boxes are dealt with.

So today, my job is to start packing. I'm going to be having two boxes going at once. One box is what I am packing, and the other will be labeled "Craigslist" and anything that I don't want anymore (DVD's, books, clothes, etc) will be going into that box. Once we move, I will post everything that is in that box on Craigslist (most likely as a giant ad) or on Ebay depending on the item. It's funny, because among the normal boxes of "kitchen", "living room", etc there will also be one box, labeled with Fragile but will also be labeled NASCAR.  Gotta love being a NASCAR fan. I'm going to take the shelves that I have all my items on currently with me. They technically are my brothers shelves, but he hasn't used them in years. So I don't think he will really mind.

I am really excited to be moving. The stress that I am under currently at home is getting to be unbearable, so moving is going to defiantly be the best thing we can do. It will be nice to have our own place. Can do whatever we want. Don't have to worry about letting mom know that we won't be home for dinner. I'm also kind of nervous too. As this is a big step for Justin and I. Yes we were originally going to move into our own place just under a year into our relationship. And we have been living together for two years now. It is going to be different. I just hope that nothing changes between us, unless it's for better, once we do move out. I don't see that happening, but it is always a possibility.

One thing that is going to be interesting, is that I don't really have any place to do my pen turning. So what we are going to have to do, is find me a rolling cart that I can put my lathe on that way I can just roll it out the door onto our porch. That way I still have a place to do turning and I won't have to leave my lathe, band saw and drill press at my parents place. How I will get everything all organized, I'm not quite sure yet. I haven't really thought about that yet. My pen turning isn't high on my moving list. Getting everything else organized first is my main concern.

Anyways, I really should go organize my boxes into sizes. Have to love working at a tool store, picked up about 30 boxes this morning. All my boxes have tools on them. I have Makita, Milwaukee and Hitachi boxes. It's awesome. Until next time blog-stalkers!!