Friday 5 October 2012

When the boss is away, the mouse will play (or blog)

I'm currently at work as I post this. It is incredibly slow, and since I have already updated myself on all the other blogs that I read, I figured I would do a little bit of an update on my own blog. And hopefully keep it up to more than one post per month as I am currently doing.

There hasn't really been much of an update with my foot at all. I hate my compression stockings. They make my foot hurt more now than it did before I got them. The foot still swells up a bit with them on, which is rather annoying. After work is usually when it is at its worst. I'm talking barely able to walk because I'm in so much pain. Not fun at all. I try not to let it affect my life too much, but sometimes it's really unbareable.

Along with my physio sessions, I have also started doing aqua spinning. I love being in the water, and I have gotten my mom involved too so I have someone to do it with. I'm currently doing three spinning classes a week. I go Monday and Wednesday evening with my mom, and then I go Friday morning before I start work. I might be adding Thursday morning also, followed by hopefully a Zumba class.

Before I hurt my foot, I took dance classes and did Zumba every week at one of the local recreation centres. I have been doing little bits of Zumba on the Wii. So I want to try to do a Zumba class and see if I am able to do it without causing too much pain to my foot. I would either have to do it in my sandals, or bare foot as I unable to put my hurt foot into an actual shoe yet. It puts too much pressure on the top of my foot. I attempted to put a runner on the other day and my foot pretty much screamed at me to take the damn thing off. So for the time being I am stuck with the lovely fashion statement of a runner and a sandal (at least at work).

Well that is all for me today. This weekend is Thanksgiving up here in the Great White North, so I get the ever popular two days off in a row (normally my days off are staggered).